Local Government

Our distinguished Local Government group has extensive experience representing North Carolina towns, cities and counties on general and complex issues. Leveraging our superior knowledge of the body of law that regulates local government, we provide the added edge for our clients. We handle a wide range of matters including public works construction, contracting and litigation, tort liability, sovereign immunity, condemnation, annexation, zoning, property tax appeals, open meetings, public records, conflicts of interest, public bidding, acquisition and disposition of public property, governance, and authority.

We Regularly Represent:

  • Counties
  • Cities, Towns and Villages
  • Municipal Corporations and Authorities
  • Airports

Experienced Local Government Team

Our Local Government Law Group works closely with the firm’s Airport + Aviation, Construction, Land Use/Condemnation and Real Estate groups to provide strategic advice on the legal issues affecting area municipalities.

Our lawyers have acted as general counsel for cities and counties for many years, providing the full range of legal services. Becky Cheney previously served as an assistant city attorney. This experience allows our attorneys to respond quickly and efficiently when a legal issue arises.

Representative Experience

From representing government entities in the acquisition, construction, and operation of new facilities, parks and town halls, to representing a city in eminent domain cases related to the construction of public transportation systems, our team’s experience runs deep.

  • Represented library systems in all aspects of governance, contracting and First Amendment issues
  • Litigated land rights for large public projects
  • Negotiated and drafted contract documents for major public projects including regional utility systems
